oh hey, i forgot to mention that i have stopped using furl. there is nothing wrong with furl, but i found a complete replacement which has additional features. this replacement is absolutely del.icio.us.

there are really very few features. obviously it can save a url, with a title and description. instead of folders for organization, it has tags like gmail. user collections are openly available, mine is at del.icio.us/pantosys. user collections filtered by tag are available, for instance del.icio.us/pantosys/comic. a collection of all links with the same tag are available like this del.icio.us/tag/comic. the most popular links are available at del.icio.us/popular. finally, everything is available in both rss and html representations. not quite as respresentational state transfer would have it, but hey it is a start. and for firefox users, that is a hell of a lot of live boookmarks.

it is late and early.